Angular Framework – From Its First Steps To Adulthood

Angular Framework – From Its First Steps To Adulthood

Discover the journey of Angular Framework. How did it evolve from its infancy to become a mature powerhouse?

Angular, a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript, has evolved significantly since its inception. The journey from AngularJS to Angular (versions 2 and beyond) illustrates a path of continuous improvement, embracing modern web standards and developer productivity. This blog post explores the latest advancements in Angular, focusing on its most recent version, and traces the growth of the Angular framework from its beginnings to the present day.

Angular, developed and maintained by Google, is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript.

Angular Timeline from Start to Present

The visual timeline above illustrates the evolution of Angular from its inception with AngularJS in 2010 through to Angular 16, showcasing the major releases and milestones. Each point on the timeline represents a significant version release, highlighting the framework's continuous growth and adaptation to the changing web development needs.

This timeline captures Angular's journey from AngularJS's directive-based architecture to the modern, component-based Angular platform, emphasizing improvements in performance, development efficiency, and feature sets across versions.

angular evolution

Timeline for Angular: Evolution From Its Inception To Its Current State:

We'll trace its history, major releases, and significant milestones. Angular has two major versions:

  1. AngularJS (also known as Angular 1. x): The original version of Angular, released in 2010.
  2. Angular (Angular 2+): A complete rewrite of AngularJS, introduced in 2016 with Angular 2. Subsequent releases have been numbered sequentially (Angular 4, 5, etc.), including significant updates and improvements.

Let's outline the timeline starting with AngularJS's release in 2010 and moving through to the latest Angular version available as of my last update.

AngularJS (Angular 1. x)

  • 2010: AngularJS was released, introducing directives, two-way data binding, and the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
  • 2011-2015: AngularJS grew in popularity, receiving updates and improvements through versions 1.1 to 1.5, introducing features like dependency injection, services, factories, and more.

Transition to Angular (Angular 2+)

  • 2016: Angular 2 was released, marking a complete rewrite of AngularJS. This version introduced a component-based architecture, TypeScript as the primary language, and a new change detection system.
  • 2017: Angular 4 (skipping version 3 for alignment of package versions) was released, focusing on smaller bundle sizes and faster compilation. Angular 5 followed, enhancing speed, size, and ease of use.
  • 2018: Angular 6 introduced the Angular CLI workspace format and Angular Elements. Angular 7 brought improvements to the CLI and added support for the new Ivy rendering engine.
  • 2019: Angular 8 was released, making Ivy available for testing. Angular 9, later in the year, made Ivy the default rendering engine, improving bundle sizes and compilation times.
  • 2020: Angular 10 and Angular 11 were released, focusing on quality-of-life improvements, stricter types, and improved date range selection in calendars.
  • 2021: Angular 12 introduced more Ivy-based features and improved CLI and build processes.
  • 2022: Angular 13 and Angular 14 were released, continuing to refine the platform and adding features like standalone components in Angular 14.
  • 2023: Angular 15 and Angular 16 introduced further improvements, with Angular 15 focusing on enhancing developer experiences and performance optimizations.

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The Latest Leap: Angular v17 and Beyond:

As of the last known update on November 8, 2023, the latest version of Angular introduced ground-breaking features and improvements that underscore the framework's focus on performance, developer experience, and innovation. Let's delve into some of these key features:

  1. Deferrable Views: Angular 17 introduced deferrable views, a feature that allows developers to control the loading and rendering of views based on application needs. This capability is crucial for improving initial load times and dynamically managing resource-intensive tasks, enhancing user experience on web applications.
  2. Performance Enhancements: With claims of up to 90% faster runtime in public benchmarks and significant reductions in build times, Angular 17 demonstrates the framework's ongoing commitment to performance. These improvements mean faster, more responsive applications and a more efficient development process, especially for large-scale projects.
  3. Fresh New Look: Reflecting its future-looking features, Angular 17 introduced a visual overhaul. This update enhances the aesthetic appeal of Angular applications and improves usability, making the development process more intuitive and enjoyable.
  4. Interactive Learning Journey: Recognizing the importance of community and education, Angular 17 unveiled a brand-new interactive learning platform. This initiative aims to lower the learning curve for new developers and enrich the knowledge of experienced professionals, strengthening the Angular community.

From AngularJS to Angular: A Transformative Journey

AngularJS, introduced in 2010 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons, was revolutionary, offering developers a way to build dynamic web applications using what is known as the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. AngularJS's two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives made complex web application development more straightforward and intuitive. However, as web applications grew in complexity and size, the limitations of AngularJS became apparent, including performance bottlenecks and challenges in scaling.

In response, the Angular team embarked on a complete rewrite of AngularJS, resulting in the release of Angular 2 in 2016. This new version was not just an update but a complete overhaul, designed from the ground up to take advantage of modern web development practices and standards. Angular 2 introduced components as the core building blocks of applications, replacing the MVC architecture with a more modular and hierarchical component-based structure. This shift significantly improved performance, testability, and scalability.

Embracing Evolution: Angular's Continuous Growth

Since Angular 2, the team has adopted semantic versioning, releasing new versions every six months. Each version brought enhancements in performance, developer experience, and features, reflecting the framework's commitment to innovation and community feedback. Notable milestones include the introduction of the Angular CLI, a powerful command-line interface that simplifies project setup, development, and deployment; Angular Universal for server-side rendering, improving SEO and performance for Angular applications; and the Angular Ivy renderer, which further boosted performance and enabled smaller bundle sizes.

Angular's development ecosystem has also expanded, with libraries like Angular Material providing high-quality UI components and RxJS offering powerful reactive programming capabilities. These tools and libraries have made Angular a comprehensive platform for developing robust, efficient, and scalable web applications.

The Growth of Angular: A Community and Ecosystem Perspective

The growth of Angular is not just a story of technical advancements but also community growth and ecosystem expansion. The Angular community has played a pivotal role in the framework's evolution, contributing to its development through feedback, third-party libraries, and tools. Angular conferences, meetups, and online forums have fostered a collaborative environment where developers share knowledge, solve challenges, and innovate.

Moreover, Angular's ecosystem has flourished, with many libraries, tools, and extensions available to streamline development workflows and enhance application functionality. This vibrant ecosystem ensures that Angular remains adaptable to the diverse needs of web development projects, from enterprise-level applications to innovative side projects.

Comparing the Usage of Angular and Its Competitor Frameworks:

Here's a hypothetical bar chart comparing the usage of Angular and its competitor frameworks in software development in 2023. This visualization shows Angular's position relative to React, Vue, and Svelte based on made-up usage percentages for illustrative purposes.

  • Angular:

Angular is used in 30% of software development projects in 2023.

Angular is a popular framework developed by Google for building web applications and offers a comprehensive solution with a wide range of features.

  • React:

React leads the comparison with a usage of 50% in software development projects.

Developed by Facebook, React is a library for building user interfaces, mainly known for its virtual DOM feature that optimizes rendering and improves app performance.

  • Vue:

Vue has a usage of 15% in software development projects.

Vue is admired for its progressive framework, which is easy to integrate into projects for front-end development, and is known for its simplicity and flexibility.

  • Svelte:

Svelte shows the most minor usage at 5% in software development projects.

Unlike other frameworks that require a virtual DOM, Svelte compiles code to update the DOM at build time, which results in faster and more efficient applications.

These points offer a simplified overview based on the hypothetical usage percentages provided in the bar chart.

Outsourcing Scenario for Businesses Looking to Hire Top Angular Development Companies:

When discussing the outsourcing of Angular developers or hiring a team of developers from top angular development companies, providing specific statistics can offer insights into trends, challenges, and opportunities in software development outsourcing. Although I can't provide real-time data, I can share some general statistics that highlight the significance of outsourcing in the tech industry as of my last update in April 2023:

  • Global Outsourcing Market Size: The global IT outsourcing market was valued at approximately USD 333.7 billion in 2019 and was expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% from 2020 to 2027.
  • Demand for Software Developers: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in software development (including developers for frameworks like Angular) is projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.
  • Outsourcing Destinations: Popular outsourcing destinations for software development include India, Ukraine, Poland, and the Philippines, due to their large pools of technical talent and cost-effectiveness.
  • Cost Savings: Companies can reduce costs by up to 30% by outsourcing software development, depending on the complexity of the project and the location of the outsourcing partner.
  • Challenges in Outsourcing: A survey by Deloitte in 2020 highlighted that communication barriers, cultural differences, and time zone disparities are among the top challenges faced by companies outsourcing IT services.
  • Angular and Front-end Development Outsourcing: Demand for Angular and front-end development skills remains high, with Angular being one of the top frameworks for developing single-page applications (SPAs). A LinkedIn report indicated a significant increase in job postings requiring Angular skills, reflecting its popularity and the growing need for developers proficient in this framework.
  • Success Rate and Satisfaction: Despite challenges, a satisfaction survey revealed that over 78% of businesses felt positive about their outsourcing relationships, citing access to skills, flexibility, and innovation as key benefits.

These statistics underscore the growing importance of outsourcing in the tech industry, driven by the need for skilled developers, cost efficiencies, and the ability to scale quickly. However, outsourcing projects' success depends on effective management, clear communication, and a strong partnership between companies and their outsourced teams.

Tips For Outsourcing Angular Developers: 

Outsourcing Angular developers can be a strategic move to accelerate development, access specialized skills, or manage project costs effectively. Here are some concise tips for successfully outsourcing Angular development:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Establish what you want to achieve with your Angular project, including the scope, timeline, and specific skill requirements. Clear objectives help in finding developers who align with your goals.

  2. Choose the Right Outsourcing Model: Decide whether you need project-based outsourcing, staff augmentation, or a dedicated team. Your choice will depend on the project complexity, duration, and your control level preference.

  3. Look for Expertise and Experience: Prioritize developers or teams with proven experience in Angular as well as in your industry or type of project. Review their portfolios, case studies, and client testimonials.

  4. Evaluate Technical Skills: Assess their proficiency in Angular as well as complementary technologies such as TypeScript, RxJS, and state management libraries. A technical interview or coding test can be beneficial.

  5. Consider Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for project success. Ensure the developers are proficient in your preferred language and are comfortable with your communication tools and schedules.

  6. Understand the Cultural Fit: The working relationship can be smoother if the outsourced team or individual shares similar work ethics and cultural values. This can significantly impact project dynamics and collaboration quality.

  7. Assess Project Management Capabilities: Understand their approach to project management and development methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum). This will help ensure that the project stays on track and meets deadlines.

  8. Discuss and Agree on IP Rights: Intellectual property rights should be clearly addressed and secured in the contract to protect your code and proprietary information.

  9. Plan for Knowledge Transfer: Ensure there's a plan for adequate documentation and transfer of knowledge, both during the project for onboarding new team members and at the project's conclusion for maintenance and future development.

  10. Start with a Pilot Project: If possible, start with a smaller, less critical project to evaluate the outsourced team's capabilities and fit before committing to larger projects.

Selecting the right partner for outsourcing Angular development requires due diligence and careful planning. By following these tips, you can establish a productive, efficient, and mutually beneficial relationship with your outsourced Angular developers.

Looking Forward: Angular's Future:

As we look to the future, Angular's roadmap promises continued innovation and improvements. The Angular team's focus on making the framework more accessible, efficient, and powerful indicates a bright future for Angular developers and the applications they build. With initiatives to further reduce bundle sizes, enhance development tools, and expand Angular's capabilities with modern web technologies, Angular is well-positioned to remain a leading framework in the web development landscape.

In conclusion, Angular's journey from AngularJS to the latest version has been marked by significant transformations and achievements. The framework's evolution reflects a deep commitment to addressing the needs of modern web developers and staying ahead of the curve in web development practices.


Vinit Sharma, a seasoned technologist with over 21 years of expertise in Open Source, cloud transformation, DevSecOps strategy, and software architecture, is a Technical Architect leading Open Source, DevOps, and Cloud Computing initiatives at Clarion. Holding certifications as an Architect and Business Analyst professional, he specializes in PHP services, including CMS Drupal and Laravel, contributing significantly to the dynamic landscape of content management and web development.

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