It is Worth Investing in .NET Application Development? 


Want to get ahead of your competitors? Get a web application!

Business people today wish to have better growth in their industry, but the secret lies in effective web applications. For designing and developing web applications, innovative technologies are used and the popular one is .Net.

.Net encourages businesses to communicate with clients and collaborates with web applications, thereby offering a broad range of services to them. Let’s spend some time to grasp with .Net application development, and hold the value of its ancillary advantages.

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Why consider .NET as the Superior Choice?

.Net is a leading development platform that helps in connecting systems, information, devices, and even people. It is a combination of standards, technologies, and various development tools. .Net technology makes it simpler to construct dynamic web portals. However, it is widely preferred to design, develop, organize, and direct, vigorous, secure, and high performing web applications.

Without further ado, let us explore the most significant reasons why .Net rules the world of Web development:

  • Saves time & effort - Empowers the .net full stack developers to reuse application blocks so they don’t have to develop as much code.
  • High-quality apps – The patterns and frameworks of .Net have been tested and debugged, hence less chance for the errors during .net web development.
  • Interoperability – Improves the security and flow of interoperability of application designed in the .Net platform.
  • Vast & Workable - .Net web development offers more versatile and flexible mobile application development solutions and it is continuously widening as well.
  • Reliable with multiple scripting languages - The apps developed with .Net can work in any programming language that the .net developers deem fit.


Due to these features, many web applications are built using the .Net platform. To be specific, here is the list of applications that can be developed with this framework:

  • Custom CRM systems
  • XML Web Services
  • Inventory applications
  • Warehouse & storehouse systems
  • Accounting / Bookkeeping systems
  • Dynamic websites
  • Logistics & supply chain management solutions
  • Business Intelligence applications
  • Mobile applications


Understanding .NET Framework and .NET Core– What and when to use it

.NET comes with multiple implementations based on the OS platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS & Windows 10 UWP) and workload type (desktop/server/mobile). Microsoft launched the .NET Framework in 2000.

The .NET ecosystem includes .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin. Having introduced various .NET frameworks, .NET can allow you to decide what platform to use for your .NET application development.

.NET Framework

.Net Framework is the most popular framework and the primary development platform of Microsoft. The .Net Framework has undergone several updates over the years. Each version of .Net holds features from older versions as well as added new features. Learn More!

Now, the actual question is why should I choose .Net Framework for my app development? Check out these 5 top characteristics of .NET Framework.

Specialties of .Net Framework

  • Object-Oriented Scripting language
  • Value-added security
  • Rapid development
  • Zero impact installation
  • Greater support for dynamic web pages
  • Speedy & easy data access
  • Supporting web services

.NET Core

The .NET Core is a re-think and re-write of the .NET Framework.

The biggest goal achieved with .Net Core is a cross-platform extension of .Net that can be used for application development on Linux and Mac. It is widely used to develop IoT devices and cloud applications. As it is an open-source platform, companies and individuals can freely adapt it for academic, personal, or commercial purposes.

Specialties of .Net Core

  • .Net core is cross-platform
  • Enables Top application performance
  • Cost-effective
  • Enables flexibility
  • Enhanced security
  • Compatibility with previous .NET versions
  • Portable and Runnable Framework

By choosing .Net core, you can develop a large variety of apps for different domains, whilst reusing existing resources. Our comprehensive list has highlighted some major features of .Net Core in .Net web development.

So, what will you prefer for your next .Net application development - .Net Framework or .Net Core?

.NET Framework

.NET Core

The .Net framework should be used when

- Your app is running on a Windows OS

- When employing resources or third-party libraries available only to .Net Framework not in others - for example:

  • A. NET Web Forms
  • B. Windows Services
  • C. WPF
  • D. Windows Forms

.Net core should be used when

- You have cross-platform needs

- You’re using Docker containers

- You’re targeting microservices

- You require scalable and high-performance systems

Why ASP.Net is the right choice of Web Application?

With increasing demand and rising competition of innovative products, most entrepreneurs have now started concentrating on cutting-edge technologies. ASP.Net serves that purpose.

According to the framework usage statistics presented on, ASP.Net is the second popular framework next to PHP over other web frameworks like Adobe ColdFusion, J2EE, Ruby on Rails, and Classic ASP.

Microsoft ASP.Net comes with a wide range of new features to support modern application development, including:

  • The MVC Architecture
  • Razor Pages
  • Support for Popular JavaScript Frameworks
  • Improved Collaboration & Cross-Platform Support
  • Inbuilt Dependency Injection Support

According to W3techs latest stats, ASP.NET is used by 6.8% of all server-side programming language websites. Use our ASP.Net services for innovative development.

Want to know how to build ASP.NET Web API with .NET Core?

ASP.Net Development Tools to Build Robust Applications

Another best thing about .Net application development is the availability of third-party development tools that aid you to create, debug, maintain, and support applications & programs. In order to attain effective ASP.Net development services, companies are using these tools. It is imperative to choose the right ASP.Net tools based on your project goals, objectivity, and technical expertise.

It is good to at least aware about the options available for .net web development in the market, so we have rounded up .Net tools & their features, which will give you a first-hand opinion on the tool you decided.

Xamarin – The obvious choice to build Mobile Applications

Do you want your business to be relevant to today’s smartphone? Then you would probably need a mobile app.

You might confuse, “Is it necessary to have mobile app when I already have a web app?”

Your responsive web app, which adapts across various devices, fuels your success. However, today, mobile apps are growing at a fast pace, not having one for your business will make you fall behind the competitors.

Among the different cross-frameworks, Xamarin have taken the world of mobile applications by storm.

Xamarin is an extension of the .Net web development platform specifically for delivering native Android, Mac OS, iOS, and Windows applications using the .Net code.

Xamarin can be best for building native mobile applications with the best UI as well as performance targeting several operating system platforms. With an innovative set of features, Xamarin becomes one of the top mobile app development frameworks 2024.

  • Native API access - Xamarin wraps UIs and APIs of the Android & iOS platform
  • Increased User Interface - Advanced performance and user friendly interface
  • Less prone to error- Xamarin Test cloud continuously tests the apps during development
  • Platform independence – Create code that works across multiple platforms

Healthcare, energy, hospitality, media, manufacturing, transport! Hardly any industry sector that doesn’t get influenced by Xamarin for mobile application development as compared to Ionic and React native.

How to Select the Best ASP.NET Development Company?

An idea for a website or application needs skillful .net developers to become successful. Are you an aspiring thinker? The app or website you have imagined has the potential to take your business to the next level.

Maybe you don’t possess enough human resources to execute your plan. So, it would be best if you started hunting for an ASP.NET development company to accomplish that project.

Choosing a .NET web development agency is a task that shouldn’t be rushed. You should be patient and commit to details. Here are a few factors that will help you find the right outsourcing partner for .NET application development.

  • What’s your requirement?
  • What is your budget?
  • What skills do you already have?
  • What skills will you need?

Top .Net Development Companies in India

With the increasing cost of in-house .Net developers, many businesses have started hiring .Net development services in India. Digital experts state that in 2020, India will continue to nurture its outsourcing business, and hiring .net development companies in India is a good choice. Because companies in India balance

  • Costs
  • Communication skills
  • Technical skills
  • Time zone differences

There is an extensive list of .Net web development companies and they work from offshore, onshore and near-shore locations; hence, choosing a skilled and reliable .Net developers, can be a challenging task.

We have curated top 10 .Net development companies in India who have a large pool of experienced .Net developers who are experts in .Net Framework, .Net core, ASP.Net, Xamarin, MVC, C# and many more.


Hundreds of technologies come and go, but Microsoft .NET is remaining as the backbone of the web and mobile development. No matter, whether you are developing an online application, building a business website, or creating modules for your existing applications, .Net offers you a superlative framework to address your diverse needs.

If you want to build a mobile or web app, considering quality and performance a priority, invest in .Net Application Development Company, which can become your partner in building .Net apps of any complexity.

If you’re waiting for a push, let this guide be the starting point and discover the world with .Net!

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