Ionic vs. React Native: Which is the Best for Mobile App Development

Ionic vs. React Native: Which is the Best for Mobile App Development

Explore insights on Ionic vs. React Native and its comparison in terms of language stack, architecture, performance, etc.

Blog Overview: In this comprehensive comparison, explore the strengths and weaknesses of Ionic and React Native to determine the optimal choice for your mobile app development needs. Delve into key considerations, performance benchmarks, and expert insights to make an informed decision. Partner with Clarion Technologies for expert guidance and tailored solutions in navigating the landscape of app development frameworks.

If you're considering venturing into mobile app development, this piece is tailored to your needs. In today's world, it's rare to find someone without a smartphone. What better way to connect with your audience and enhance their experiences?

Research from Gartner suggests that by 2022, a significant 70% of interactions with enterprise software will take place on mobile devices. Source

Navigating the mobile landscape, however, presents its challenges. Getting your app listed on the Play Store or App Store often requires separate development teams—one for Android and another for iOS—resulting in increased costs.

To mitigate this challenge, developers have introduced cross-platform tools as solutions. This article will delve into a comparison between Ionic and React Native, two prominent libraries in this domain.


Ionic React vs. React Native in 2024

In the past, hybrid frameworks such as PhoneGap and Ionic held sway over the cross-platform app development landscape. The introduction of React Native revolutionized the scene by offering a means to develop native apps more easily. However, it necessitated separate specialized teams for iOS and Android app development.

In contrast, Ionic React and React Native present a different approach. They allow developers to leverage a single codebase to create cross-platform solutions. However, it's important to note that Ionic is a hybrid app framework, setting it apart from React Native.

Before delving into a comparison of these two mobile app development alternatives, let's first revisit some key terminologies.

Native vs Cross-platform for Mobile App Development

Currently, there exist several methodologies for enterprise app development. While native code typically yields superior performance, it comes with the caveat of requiring separate teams for iOS and Android app development.

Cross-platform libraries leverage standard web technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to emulate native interactions. The hybrid approach streamlines mobile development by utilizing a unified project for all platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience across various channels.

With this introductory overview in mind, let's explore further the two prominent tools for crafting cross-platform mobile apps: Ionic and React Native.

What is Ionic?

Ionic stands out as a widely embraced cross-platform framework that leverages Angular and Apache Cordova. This framework is tailored for mobile development, aiming to streamline the creation of applications compatible with various platforms using a unified codebase.

Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Ionic empowers developers to craft cross-platform applications. It offers a range of UI components for tailoring user experiences and facilitates code reuse, enabling seamless deployment across different environments.

Ionic drives over 39,232 websites, drawing in a significant user base across the internet. Use case of Ionic include progressive web apps, desktop apps, and mobile apps.

Know which are the top 5 web development frameworks in 2024.

Advantages of Ionic:

  • Native-looking UI Components: Utilizing pre-built UI elements enables the creation of applications that appear native on all platforms.
  • Rapid Testing and Development Cycle: Testing code in browsers eliminates the need for complex emulators, facilitating a quicker testing and development process.
  • Learning Curve: Ionic boasts a relatively shallow learning curve. Familiarity with Angular, React, or Vue, along with a grasp of Apache Cordova's guiding principles, serves as prerequisites for leveraging the framework.
  • Community: With 5 million developers having created 4 million Ionic applications, the platform enjoys widespread popularity. This popularity ensures timely assistance from peers through a dedicated Ionic Q&A forum or Slack channel.
  • Pricing: Ionic offers a free Hobby plan for creating apps with a native-like appearance. For larger teams, Ionic Pro provides additional features through monthly subscription plans ranging from $49 to $120.

Disadvantages of Ionic:

  • Performance Restrictions: Utilizing web technologies for rendering apps can lead to performance limitations, particularly when employing numerous callbacks to native code. Complex visuals and engaging transitions may also pose challenges, resulting in inferior performance compared to native apps.
  • Potential Bugs: Developers often encounter new issues with each new version of Ionic. These issues may arise from upgrading to the latest releases, utilizing native device features, or dealing with outdated plugins, among others.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It enables developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android, without the need to write separate codebases for each platform.

React Native uses native components instead of web components, which means that the applications built with React Native have a native look and feel, providing a more seamless user experience. It also allows developers to access native device features such as the camera, GPS, and push notifications.

Advantages of React Native:

  • Platform-Agnostic JavaScript: React Native leverages JavaScript, the world's most widely used programming language, across all platforms. Additionally, developers have the flexibility to utilize native components in Objective-C, Swift, Java, or Kotlin if necessary.
  • Native-Like Performance: By rendering code components directly to native APIs, React Native ensures optimal application performance.
  • Native-Looking Interface: The framework comes equipped with a variety of pre-installed UI elements such as buttons, modules, sliders, etc., streamlining the UI development process for apps.
  • Hot Reload: React Native supports the convenient Hot Reload feature, allowing for the addition of new releases without disrupting the program's state.
  • React Native Community: With an extensive ecosystem evident from GitHub metrics, React Native boasts a vibrant community. Consequently, developers can readily find solutions to queries and benefit from shared expertise and insights while working with the framework.
  • Cost-Effective: As an open-source project, React Native is freely available for use, making it a cost-effective option for cross-platform development. Developers can leverage the framework and its libraries without incurring additional expenses.

Disadvantages of React Native:

  • Extended Development Time: Unlike frameworks like Ionic, React Native does not support Write-Once-Run-Anywhere. Each screen or component may require specific development for each platform, leading to a longer development period. However, this approach ensures a truly native experience for consumers.
  • Larger Investments: Due to the longer development time associated with React Native, additional investments may be required. It's crucial to consider potential cost implications when planning your project.
  • Application of Native Modules: While React Native allows the use of modules written in native languages for complex computations, developing a complex application may necessitate collaboration with native mobile developers.
  • Android App Size: React Native APKs tend to be larger than those developed with native technologies such as Java or Kotlin, potentially impacting app download and storage requirements.

Know which are the top mobile app development frameworks in 2024.

Ionic vs. React Native Comparison Table



React Native

Created by

Drifty Co.



Primarily uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Primarily uses JavaScript with React framework


Generally slower due to web view rendering

Generally faster as it compiles to native code

User Interface

Uses web technologies for UI components

Uses native UI components for better performance


Easier learning curve for web developers

Might have a steeper learning curve

Cross-platform Support

Supports iOS, Android, and progressive web apps

Supports iOS and Android

Native Features Access

Limited access to native device features

Full access to native device features

Hot Reloading

Supported, but may not be as seamless

Supported and generally more reliable

Third-Party Plugins and Libraries

Has a rich library of plugins and themes

Large and diverse ecosystem offering a wider range of options for developers


Extensive library of plugins and themes

Large number of third-party libraries


Please note that the choice between Ionic and React Native depends on various factors such as project requirements, development team skills, performance needs, and target platforms.

In-depth Comparisons: Ionic vs React Native

Having grasped the fundamentals, let's delve deeper into a thorough comparison between Ionic and React Native.

#1. Functionality:

Functionality stands as a pivotal parameter that distinguishes between frameworks. Here's an in-depth look at the functionality offered by React Native and Ionic for mobile app development in 2024.

React Native employs a dynamic runtime approach, harnessing JavaScript to construct mobile applications. Utilizing a mobile JavaScript API, the JavaScript code communicates with the native platform APIs of iOS and Android, facilitating data requests and implementing various functionalities. The bridge linking these two APIs ensures that React Native applications emulate native development in terms of behavior and performance.

On the other hand, Ionic integrates a WebView Wrapper, enabling seamless integration of web-based experiences into native mobile apps. Unlike React Native's dynamic runtime strategy, Ionic is built on Cordova, which relies on a WebView component or a chromeless browser view. This component utilizes the WebKit/Blink HTML layout engine to render the user interface based on HTML and CSS. Cordova employs a JavaScript-native bridge to facilitate communication between the WebView application and the native platform, thereby granting WebView access to native APIs and enabling utilization of device functionalities such as the camera.

In conclusion, React Native and Ionic both offer mechanisms to augment an app's native capabilities effortlessly. Both frameworks facilitate the execution of native code and accessing Native APIs with minimal hurdles for developers.

#2. Popularity Insights

  • Research conducted by AppBrain reveals that React Native has been utilized in the creation of over 30,000 applications (source), whereas the Ionic framework has contributed to the development of 21,000 apps. Source
  • In terms of market position, Ionic holds a share of 3.72%, while React Native enjoys a slightly higher share at 4.67%.
  • React Native enjoys widespread popularity among developers, boasting an impressive acceptance rate of 98%. Source
  • React Native commands a significant market share of 32%, positioning it as the second most widely used cross-platform mobile framework, as reported by Statista. Ionic, on the other hand, holds a 11% market share, placing it as the fourth most utilized cross-platform mobile framework. Source
  • Github metrics indicate that Ionic has garnered 49.1k stars and 13.6k forks (source), whereas React Native boasts 110k stars and 23.4k forks (source), reflecting their respective levels of community engagement and support.

#3. Learning Curve:

Embarking on the React Native journey may present a steep learning curve, especially for those new to mobile app development or unfamiliar with React and its ecosystem. While grasping component styles in React Native is relatively straightforward with its flex layout, proficiency in CSS, ES6, Flexbox, and potentially Redux for state management is essential.

Conversely, Ionic offers a comparatively gentler learning curve. The installation process is streamlined, complemented by npm instructions that encompass Cordova. Ionic's integration with AngularJS further enhances its accessibility, providing an extensive array of AngularJS extensions and services through the ngcordova element. Additionally, Ionic offers the Ionic Academy, an online educational platform offering step-by-step lessons at various proficiency levels, facilitating a smoother and more efficient learning experience.

Ionic emerges as the winner in terms of ease of learning, offering a more straightforward, simplified, and enjoyable learning path.

#4. App Performance Comparison:

  • Boot Time:

Both React Native and Ionic typically exhibit similar boot times. Cold boot times for both frameworks hover around 1.5 seconds, while warm boot times are approximately 1 second.

  • Smooth Scrolling:

Despite the common perception that web-native apps lag in rendering speed, there's minimal discernible difference in scrolling smoothness between Ionic and React Native. Both frameworks maintain operations within an acceptable timeframe of 16.67 milliseconds, ensuring a seamless user experience with minimal frame drops.

  • Native Transitions:

While there's a prevailing belief that web-native apps lose their native feel during transitions, both Ionic and React Native SDKs offer transitions comparable to those achieved by frameworks orchestrating native UI controls. These transitions are not exclusive to frameworks facilitating native UI controls; they're equally attainable in web environments.

  • Platform-specific or Unified Styling:

React Native prioritizes achieving a native look and feel through native UI components, emphasizing platform-specific styling for easy integration with iOS and Android. In contrast, Ionic adopts Adaptive styling and an extensive UI toolkit, enabling apps to adapt across different platforms while maintaining a native feel without intricate configurations. Ionic supports both OS-specific and brand-centric styling, offering greater flexibility in customizing app appearance through CSS variables.

  • CPU Consumption and Energy Impact:

Ionic exhibits lower CPU consumption compared to React Native, with React Native apps placing more strain on the CPU. Ionic's utilization of the faster JS engine, WKWebView, contributes to its efficiency, while React Native relies on JSCore. Although the immediate impact on app performance may not be significant, React Native's higher CPU usage may lead to faster battery drainage. In this regard, Ionic holds an advantage over React Native.

Ionic emerges as the superior choice due to its cross-platform compatibility, catering to desktop programs and online apps, while React Native primarily targets iOS and Android platforms.

#5. Architecture:

When discussing the architectural disparities between React Native and Ionic apps, terms like "almost native" and "web-first" aptly describe their respective approaches.

React Native's architecture is tailored for structuring multi-platform mobile applications. Described as "nearly native," React Native leverages native iOS or Android components as its underlying widgets, despite being developed using JavaScript and React. However, to facilitate communication between native components and compressed JavaScript and React code, React Native relies on a JavaScript bridge. Consequently, while React Native apps closely emulate native apps in appearance and functionality, they are not truly native applications. Instead, React Native serves as an abstraction layer that governs the platform's UI modules. This approach ensures that React Native apps offer a seamless user experience, with interface components native to the framework.

The Ionic architecture facilitates the development of web, cross-platform mobile, and desktop applications using a single shared codebase. It employs a wrapper that accepts HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, which is then placed within a WebView to create mobile applications. Technologies such as Cordova or Capacitor establish a connection between the WebView and the Ionic codebase during runtime. In essence, an Ionic application transforms a mobile website into a fully-fledged mobile application.

Verdict on React Native vs Ionic Architecture: React Native excels in delivering native app-like functionalities, while Ionic is well-suited for developing mobile apps aligned with website design or those constructed using a web framework. When selecting between the two, consider project constraints and specific software requirements to make an informed decision.

#6. Language Stack:

  • React Native: Utilizing JavaScript and React.JS for Development

React Native employs JavaScript, a widely-used high-level, dynamic programming language. Additionally, product owners have the flexibility to incorporate modules in Objective-C, Swift, or Java based on their specific requirements.

  • Ionic: Leveraging TypeScript, a Superset of JavaScript

The Ionic framework harnesses web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for application development, facilitating rapid language transpilation for product owners. To access native platform controllers, Ionic requires a Cordova wrapper. The core of Ionic is crafted with Sass and relies on the Angular framework.

The primary programming language utilized in Ionic is TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that compiles down to plain JavaScript. TypeScript enhances code quality by identifying and eliminating errors during typing. However, it's worth noting that TypeScript is optional, and developers can opt to use JavaScript directly.

#7. Running Code and Performance:

React Native renders code components to native APIs using the JSVirtual Machine. While JSCore is default for iOS, additional setup is required for VM installation on Android. React Native allows for the utilization of native iOS and Android modules for accomplishing tasks not covered by cross-platform JavaScript APIs. This approach enhances performance, particularly for image editing and video playback tasks.

React Native necessitates bridge APIs for both Android and iOS platforms to establish communication with native modules. Nonetheless, the majority of the codebase remains consistent across platforms, with React Native apps sharing approximately 90 percent of JavaScript code. The integration of native libraries further bolsters performance. For Android, React Native employs JIT compilation, while for iOS, it interprets JS code without AOT compilation.

On the other hand, Ionic trails behind React Native in terms of performance due to its utilization of web technologies for app rendering, which impacts speed. Moreover, Ionic lacks native components and relies on the Cordova wrapper to interface with native APIs and adapt app behavior to the underlying platform. Despite these limitations, Ionic offers several default components, reducing development time, and boasts a rapid testing process, allowing apps to run directly in a browser.

Ionic employs JIT compilation for Android, while for iOS, it leverages WKWebView, which supports JIT, for rendering embedded web content within the app. Additionally, Ionic provides JIT conversion of JS code to machine code, further enhancing rendering performance.

Verdict: When comparing the performance of React Native and Ionic, although both excel in code rendering and performance, React Native outshines Ionic, particularly for complex and feature-rich applications.

#8. Coding, Building, and Debugging:

Both React Native and Ionic provide comparable capabilities for coding, building, and debugging mobile apps. Popular code editors like WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, or ALM are suitable for writing and debugging in both frameworks. React Native recommends using iOS and Android emulators for simulating device behavior during testing.

For coding, IDE options supporting JavaScript ES6 include Visual Studio Code, Atom, WebStorm IDE, ALM IDE, and Angular IDE, with some offering free features while others are paid.

Debugging can be conducted through Chrome browser tools, enabling inspection and tracing of JavaScript code. Android development necessitates the installation of Java JDK, Android Studio, and updated SDK tools.

For iOS development, Xcode on a Mac, an iOS device, and an Apple ID (or a paid Apple Developer account) are required. Various tools are available for coding, building, and debugging mobile apps using both Ionic and React Native. Choose an IDE or code editor that suits your preferences and utilize browser tools and emulators for debugging specific platforms.

#9. Framework Complexity:

Distinguishing the complexity between React Native and Ionic apps can be challenging, especially since Ionic apps can be built using various web frameworks.

Mastering Ionic may be easier for those with web development experience, as it relies on standard web technologies. Similarly, developers familiar with JavaScript and the web-based React architecture may find learning React Native relatively straightforward.

Verdict: Ionic and React Native exhibit similar levels of difficulty, primarily utilizing JavaScript as the programming language. However, developers may find Ionic more intuitive due to its use of standard web technologies.

#10. Documentation:

Documentation plays a crucial role in a developer-friendly framework, providing solutions to challenges and answers to inquiries.

Both Ionic and React Native offer excellent documentation. React Native's documentation includes editable code examples with outputs, while Ionic compensates for the lack of editable code samples with comprehensive information. Ionic's documentation even covers best practices for integrating preferred web frameworks.

Verdict: This parameter is a tie as both frameworks boast top-notch documentation.

#11. Developer Experience:

React Native development experience may be more familiar to mobile developers as it closely resembles native app development. In contrast, web developers may feel more at ease with the Ionic programming environment.

Verdict: The preferred framework for the best development experience ultimately depends on individual preferences. In case of difficulties, both frameworks offer excellent documentation and abundant resources.

#12. Development Costs:

From a business standpoint, both frameworks offer cost and time-saving benefits, but Ionic is notably less expensive than React Native.

Ionic allows for the creation of hybrid apps running on multiple platforms with a single codebase. While React Native itself is free, hiring skilled React Native developers may incur costs starting from $20 per hour.

In contrast, Ionic offers various pricing tiers: Basic ($499/month), Standard ($2499/month), and Enterprise ($5999/month), with custom pricing available.

Verdict: React Native is favored for creating high-quality apps resembling native experiences, despite the significant investment required in both Ionic and React Native.

When should you choose which?

Consider these factors to determine whether React Native or Ionic Native is best suited for your specific project requirements and development expertise.

It's best to use React Native when:

  • React Native has already been integrated into your website or application
  • Your development team is highly skilled in React
  • Your project heavily relies on native platform features
  • Adequate resources and time are available for project development
  • Sufficient funds or a flexible budget can cover the associated high development costs

Opt for Ionic Native when:

  • Developing Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is part of your plan
  • You aim to leverage web development capabilities for a unified web and mobile experience
  • Future high performance is a priority for your project
  • Enterprise-level, mission-critical app creation and expansion are desired
  • You possess experience in web programming and intend to develop an app for entrepreneurs


In the clash between React Native and Ionic, both contenders have showcased their prowess as cross-platform app frameworks. With distinct strengths and continuous evolution, they promise exciting advancements and enriched functionality in the future. The decision between React Native and Ionic hinges on your individual needs and preferences.

We firmly believe that our mobile app development services cater to distinct needs of our clients. We are eager to engage in discussions to determine which platform aligns better with the requirements of your team. Reach out to strategists at Clarion Technologies to initiate the conversation.


What is the primary difference between React Native and Ionic?

React Native utilizes native components to render UI elements, providing a more native-like performance and appearance. Ionic, on the other hand, relies on web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript wrapped in a WebView to create cross-platform apps.

Which framework is better for building high-performance apps?

React Native generally offers better performance due to its use of native components, resulting in smoother animations and faster response times compared to Ionic, which renders UI elements within a WebView.

What are the main advantages of using React Native?

React Native offers superior performance, a more native-like user experience, and better access to device features compared to Ionic. It also allows for code reusability across different platforms.

When should I choose Ionic over React Native?

Ionic is a suitable choice for developing Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and applications that prioritize web development capabilities. It is also preferred for projects where time-to-market and cost-effectiveness are key factors.

Which framework has a larger community and better support?

React Native generally has a larger and more active community compared to Ionic, providing extensive documentation, resources, and community-driven support. This makes it easier for developers to find solutions to problems and stay updated with the latest developments.



Vinit Sharma, a seasoned technologist with over 21 years of expertise in Open Source, cloud transformation, DevSecOps strategy, and software architecture, is a Technical Architect leading Open Source, DevOps, and Cloud Computing initiatives at Clarion. Holding certifications as an Architect and Business Analyst professional, he specializes in PHP services, including CMS Drupal and Laravel, contributing significantly to the dynamic landscape of content management and web development.

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