Running a business means confronting several ongoing challenges. Entrepreneurs are fortunate that they have an abundant number of tools available than ever before to solve such challenges effectively and efficiently. Among them, the most powerful tool is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
CRM encourages the growth of both business-to-business and business to customer markets. Unlike a plenty of other technology tools, CRM covers every business platform and makes a significant influence on areas like Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Financial/ Operational and Customer Service teams. All business sections benefit from CRM. However, still, there are several holdouts in the adoption of CRM, because most businesses are unaware, why they need to incorporate CRM?
To help companies in this software investment, this white paper presents everything that business needs to know about adopting CRM.
In this white paper, we look at : -
- What is CRM? A brief Walk-through
- Business Issues Solved with CRM
- CRM Adoption Rates and its Market Size
- Signs to Adopt CRM Technology
- Prominent Features to Look For in CRM
- Recent Trends in CRM Automation
- Tighter Integration of CRM with Marketing Automation and Customer Service Tools
- Most Popular CRM Tools
- Why Work with Clarion for CRM Implementation?